Flipgrid is a video discussion community for your classroom that supercharges your students’ voices. You add the topics, your students respond with short videos, and everyone engages!
Until September 15th, to help provide rich and newly updated information about the 2017 Solar Eclipse, Gale is offering free, open access to Science in Context.
2: the action of understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to, and vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts, and experience of another of either the past or present without having the feelings, thoughts, and experience fully communicated in an objectively explicit manner; also : the capacity for this
The Decline in Readers Over the past few years, I have been deeply concerned about declining reading scores. And despite my best efforts, there is an overall decrease in readers in my library.
Brain scans differentiate two types of empathy
Published Thursday 8 June 2017
Using brain scans, researchers have discovered that empathic care and empathic distress have distinct patterns of brain activity that remain remarkably consistent across individuals.
There are four people central to secondary school students’ learning and achievement: the student, the parent (or carer), the teacher, and the peers. Without question, the most influential of these is the student themselves
Even the best thinking on redesigning schools to personalize learning will be for naught if school and district design teams can’t lead and manage the change process that a move to PL entails. In schools, that process means getting all teachers on board, engaging all students in the new approach, and making sure parents understand and support it. Not attending to these fundamentals can create a fast track to failure.
Problem-based learning, makerspaces, flipped learning, student blogging -- these are becoming perceived staples of 21st-century learning. With such ambitious practices taking the spotlight for how people regard modern classrooms, it's not surprising that a murmur of impracticality or skepticism is still a frequent response when they're first introduced.
Pasachoff, Jay M., and Roberta J.M. Olson. "Art of the eclipse: as the next solar eclipse approaches, Jay M. Pasachoff and Roberta J. M. Olson ponder how artists from the early Renaissance onwards have interpreted the phenomenon." Nature, vol. 508, no. 7496, 2014, p. 314+
Lysne, Steven J., and Brant G. Miller. "A comparison of long-term knowledge retention between two teaching approaches." Journal of College Science Teaching, July-Aug. 2017
Schatz, Dennis, and Andrew Fraknoi. "Total eclipse: the solar eclipse this August is an ideal opportunity to practice three-dimensional science learning." The Science Teacher, 1 Mar. 2017, p. 33