General Science Collection provides access to scholarly journals and magazines covering the latest scientific developments. Key subjects covered by the database include biological sciences, computing, engineering, and technology.
This work considers both the professional ethics of science and technology, and the ethical and political issues raised by science and technology in an increasingly complex and global society.
After physics, chemistry is often considered the most paradigmatic modern science. The ethical issues associated with chemistry and chemical technologies have nevertheless been more diffuse and less systematically identified than those related to either physics or biology, although the ethical issues associated with chemistry—from worker and consumer safety to environmental pollution, in both public and private contexts, in peace and war—are as broadly present in daily life as those in any other science.
Offers information on the ways in which different chemical elements combine to form commonly-used chemical compounds, such as water, ammonia, and aspirin. Defines what a chemical compound actually is and the difference between organic and inorganic compounds, as well as providing definitions of acids, bases, salts, oxides, and coordination compounds
Provides a broad approach to chemistry, its laws, processes, applications and subdisciplines, and its many branches, including inorganic, industrial, atmospheric and computational chemistry as well as biotechnology, including biographies of scientists past and present. Reviews the history of the field up to modern research and practical applications, and topical essays examine the role chemistry plays in various aspects of everyday
Gale Virtual Reference Library is a database of encyclopedias and specialized reference sources for multidisciplinary research. These reference materials once were accessible only in the library, but now you can access them online from the library or remotely 24/7. Because each library creates its own eBook collection, the content you see may vary if you use the database at different libraries (your school, your public library, or your office).
Royal Society of Chemistry News Feed
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