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Moodle is an acronym for "Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment." It is an online educational platform that provides custom learning environments for students.
Join Ms. Puckett in the virtual athletic training room
Distance learning begins on March 30th and ends on May 21st. We will observe the long weekend of Easter as was originally scheduled (April 10-April 13).
There will be no final exams.
·RenWeb/FACTS is the main platform that will be used by the faculty to communicate assignments because students and parents are familiar with this mode of communication. The Homework Drop feature has been enabled, and we have made Lesson Plans visible to families.
Faculty have been asked to bundle weeklong assignments. Students will have required check-in points throughout the week.
Faculty will assign no more than 4 hours of work per week. Students, please communicate with your teachers or advisors if this is not your experience.
All faculty will have virtual officehours from 12-3 p.m. CST on Wednesdays. This will be a time for students to receive extra help, have questions immediately answered immediately or get clarification. All faculty have been trained in Zoom and can be available at this time for 1:1 videoconferences. In addition, as always, the faculty will be available via email.
Students must complete the assigned coursework in order to receive credit for the course. Please remember that Webb awards academic credit based on the length of the course (0.5 credits for a semester course and 1.0 credit for a yearlong course).
The Webb School Library and Archives Phone: 931-389-5758